Materials Selection, Collection Development & Donations Policy


Materials Selection, Collection Development & Donations Policy

Platteville Public Library offers materials in a variety of formats to serve community needs and interests. The volume of publishing, contrasted with Library budget constraints and space limitations, necessitates guidelines for selecting materials and developing collections that best meet Library service objectives.

The Library Board of Trustees has endorsed the Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read Statement, which are integral parts of this policy.

Selection Policy

Responsibility for the selection of Library materials rests with designated Library staff.

In selecting materials, the Library staff attempts to provide a variety and balance of ideas and viewpoints wherever possible. The selection of any given item is not an endorsement by Platteville Public Library staff or the Board of Trustees of the viewpoints or ideas contained therein.

Selection Criteria

Materials are considered on their individual merit and intended audience. Considerations in the selection of materials may include:

  • accuracy and authenticity of information
  • educational significance
  • balance and appropriateness within specific library collections
  • popular appeal and/or demand
  • significance and reputation of the author, producer, and/or publisher
  • timeliness or historical value
  • quality and variety of format
  • value commensurate with cost and/or need
  • availability of material elsewhere
  • relationship to existing library holdings
  • community standards and interests

Sources of information about new materials include professional reviews, popular media, and patron recommendations. The lack of a review or an unfavorable review will not be the sole reason for rejecting a title. Materials are judged based on the work as a whole, not on a part or parts taken out of context.

Recommendations for Purchase

Patrons’ suggestions are welcomed. Patrons are asked to complete a Recommendation for Purchase form [see Appendix J], providing as much information as possible about a suggested item. Purchase is then considered within the selection policy framework. Designated Library staff may approve or reject any item recommended for purchase.


Donations of books and other materials that are clean and in good condition are welcomed. Donations are accepted with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. Items not needed because of duplication, condition, or failure to meet selection criteria may be given to the Platteville Library Foundation for use in its fundraising activities, shared with other libraries or community agencies, or disposed of. The Library reserves the right to refuse to accept any materials which create a disposal problem. The following donations will not be accepted:

  • textbooks
  • condensed books
  • encyclopedias
  • musty/dirty materials
  • pamphlets
  • materials that are obsolete or contain outdated content
  • VHS and cassette tapes
  • any editions printed over 50 years ago

Upon request, the Library will provide a written acknowledgment of the receipt of donations [Appendix K] but, in accordance with tax regulations, will leave the determination of the value of the donation to the donor.

Gifts & Memorials

Gifts of cash for the purchase of Library materials are welcomed. When possible, the Library staff will try to accommodate specific collection location preferences that meet the Library’s selection criteria.

Offers of substantial cash gifts, securities, bequests, works of art, special collections, and real property will be submitted to the Board of Trustees, who may work out terms of acceptance that are compatible with Library policies, the donor’s intent, and applicable laws or transfer the gift to the Library Foundation.

Gifts of Artwork

Donations of artwork may be accepted by the Library Board of Trustees. Donations of art must be unconditional, transferring ownership and all the rights of ownership to the Library. Donations are accepted only with the understanding that the Library has the right to determine retention and other considerations relating to the use or disposition of the gift. If a piece of art is donated for display in the Library, the Library Board of Trustees will approve acceptance of the piece and will determine the placement/location. The Library Board of Trustees may sell the item for value and use the proceeds for any purpose appropriate to the Library’s vision. The Library may transfer ownership to any other agency it deems appropriate. At the request of the donor, a small plaque or metal plate, will be placed near the work of art to identify it and recognize the donor or an honoree. The decision concerning placement of such a plaque or plate is the sole prerogative of the Library.

Weeding of Collections

An up-to-date, appealing, and useful collection is maintained by retaining or replacing essential materials and removing and withdrawing materials (weeding) on a systematic and continuous basis. Obsolescence, damage, normal wear, and space limitations make the discarding of materials a continuing process. Factors considered in discarding materials include:

  • physical condition
  • lack of demand
  • materials no longer considered accurate or factual
  • older editions replaced by later revisions

Materials of local significance may be retained, even if they meet the above criteria. Final responsibility for deciding which materials to discard rests with the designated Library staff.

Local use patterns and professional criteria may guide the weeding process. Items discarded from Library collections may be given to the Platteville Library Foundation for use in its fundraising activities, shared with other libraries or community agencies, or disposed of. The Library will not accept requests to hold weeded materials for individuals.

Challenged Material

The Library Board of Trustees believes that while individuals are free to reject for themselves those materials that do not support their tastes and views, they will not restrict the freedom and choice of others to read or inquire. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and Library materials will not be sequestered except to prevent disturbance or to protect them from damage or theft. Library staff are available to discuss patron concerns and identify alternative materials. Parents/guardians are responsible for guiding and directing the reading, viewing, and listening of their own minor children.

Requests for Reconsideration

The Library welcomes expressions of opinion concerning materials purchased. Requests to reconsider materials will be considered from residents of the Southwest Wisconsin Library System. Anyone who wishes to request that a specific item be reconsidered for inclusion in the collection must complete the Request for Reconsideration Form, available at the Platteville Public Library. No material is automatically removed from the collections because of an objection to it and will remain available to patrons until a decision is made.

Upon return of the completed form, the Library Director and designated Library staff will evaluate the item, taking into consideration the item’s acquisition and circulation history, relevance, value to the collection, and professional reviews, if any may exist for the item. The Library Director and designated staff will meet to discuss the item’s merits, after which the Library Director will make a decision regarding the reconsideration request.

The Library Director will share this decision with the patron within 30 days of receipt of the reconsideration request form. If not satisfied with this decision, the patron has 30 days to request an appeal, which will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. Their decision will be final. A title will be reconsidered only once in a 3-year period. A patron may have one request reconsideration on file at a time.

Approved by the Platteville Public Library Board of Trustees; revised September 4, 2018 Reviewed October 6, 2021
Approved by the Platteville Public Library Board of Trustees March 4, 2025