Confidentiality and Privacy Policy


Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

The library protects the privacy of records and the confidentiality of patron library use as required by law. Library records are confidential, per Wis. Stat. 43.30.

All Platteville Public Library circulation and other records which indicate the identity of Library users, especially as they connect Library users with material or services used, are confidential. This confidentiality extends to information sought or received, including Library materials consulted or borrowed, database search records, reference interviews, circulation records, and all other personally identifiable uses of Library materials, computers, facilities or services. Such information may not be disclosed, except to:

  • Persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the Library or library system
  • Persons authorized by the individual to inspect the individual’s record
  • Custodial parent or guardian of a child under the age of 16 any records relating to that child’s use of the library’s documents materials, resources, or services. Requests for personal information, such as the address, phone number, age, etc. of a child are not records that fall within the definition of parental access to library records law and should not be routinely disclosed
  • An agency or individual or any local, state, or federal government, pursuant to a process, subpoena, or court order authorized pursuant to a federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, administrative or legislative investigative power. The Library Director will seek legal counsel from the City Attorney in the event of such request for release of library records and will respond to the request according to advice of counsel
  • Appropriate legal authorities involved in securing the return of, or payment for, library materials with authorization from the Library Board and subject to review by the City Attorney’s office. The library may only disclose the individual’s name, contact information, and the quantity, types, and value of unreturned materials, not the titles of the items.

Computer Use Records

The library provides public access to the Internet. Computer sign-in data may be kept on file but is considered confidential. All browser history, files, passwords, and browser data are deleted upon the rest o f the computer, at the end of each user session.

Approved by the Platteville Public Library Board of Trustees, July 3, 2018