Affirmation for Free Public Library Services
Resolution of Affirmation for Free Public Library Services
WHEREAS, the Platteville Public Library was established as a free library in 1904 and serves to meet the ongoing and changing educational, informational, and recreational needs of the citizens of its service area, and
WHEREAS, the Platteville Public Library supports the Wisconsin Library Association’s goal of “Open Access” so that the people of Wisconsin shall have the broadest possible access to information resources and materials, and
WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin adopted a Statute in 1872 providing that public library service shall be free to the inhabitants of those communities that establish and maintain them, and
WHEREAS, denying free access to public library materials would be undermining to the very foundations of our democracy by denying access to library materials and services to people who cannot afford to pay a fee,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Platteville Public Library Board of Trustees supports the 131-year fundamental principle of public-supported free and open access to library materials to all Wisconsin citizens; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Platteville Public Library Board of Trustees encourages resistance to any attempts to change the 1872 free library statute principles for free access to public libraries and information services, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Public Library Board of Trustees transmit a copy of this Resolution Affirming Free Public Library Services to all state and federal legislators representing constituents within its districts and to Governor Jim Doyle.
The forgoing resolution was duly adopted by the Platteville Public Library Board of Trustees at a meeting held on the 3rd day of June, 2003.
Earl McCullough, Library Board President
Kathy Scheetz, Library Director
Approved by the Platteville Public Library Board of Trustees June 3, 2003