Adult Summer Library Challenge 2023
Want to plan out your badges before you enter your activities in Beanstack? Here’s a list of all the activities for the 2023 Adult Summer Library Challenge! You’ll need to complete two activities for each badge to earn the badge, and you’ll need to earn five total badges to complete the challenge. Happy reading!
Love a Challenge
- Read or listen to a book that you’ve been meaning to read for over 12 months.
- Watch a movie that you’ve been meaning to watch for over 12 months.
- Finish a project that’s been on your to-do list for over a month.
- Reorganize, rearrange, declutter, or clean out something in your house.
- Read a home improvement magazine or watch a home improvement show and try something you saw.
- Read the manual or watch a video for something you own and learn how to use it more effectively.
- Make a budget, discuss financial goals, review investments, start a special savings account, or create an emergency fund.
- Learn a new skill (or polish an existing skill) that will help you in your job or household.
- Schedule an appointment that you’ve been putting off.
- Update your résumé.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own activity that challenges you.
Live, Love, Local
- Read or listen to a book with a Wisconsin connection.
- Watch a movie with a Wisconsin connection.
- Support a locally owned business.
- Eat something locally grown.
- Go someplace in the area where you’ve never been before (a park, a store, a restaurant, etc).
- Do a random act of kindness for someone in your community.
- Tell someone they’re doing a great job: send a thank you note, leave a positive review for a local business, publicly shoutout a coworker or neighbor, etc.
- Spend at least an hour helping out in your community.
- Do something to help you meet new people in your community.
- Have a say in your community! Participate in local government or contact someone who represents you.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own activity to appreciate our local community.
Love Creatively
- Read or listen to a fiction novel or graphic novel.
- Write a poem, song, short story, or essay.
- Listen to an entire album that you haven’t heard before.
- Go to a concert or theater production.
- Visit an art exhibit.
- Create a playlist for a specific purpose, person, or mood.
- Make something that you would normally purchase.
- Makeover something you own or something you got secondhand.
- Finish an art or craft project.
- Try a new creative activity or learn a new skill for a hobby you already do.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own activity that showcases your creativity.
Love Through the Decades
- Read or listen to a book to learn about a historical event that you know nothing about.
- Read or listen to a book set in the future.
- Read or listen to a book that involves time travel or multiple time periods.
- Watch a movie or documentary about a historical event that you know nothing about.
- Watch a movie set in the future.
- Visit a history museum.
- Make a time capsule or write a letter to your future self.
- Interview a friend or family member about something that happened to them in the past.
- Use the Library computers to search digitized local newspapers.
- Plan for the future: make or update your will or powers of attorney.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own past or future based activity.
Love a Good Time
- Read or listen to a funny book.
- Read or listen to a book that features sports or games.
- Watch a funny movie, a comedy special, or a season of a funny show.
- Watch a movie that features sports or games.
- Take part in the Library’s Hometown Week Treasure Hunt.
- Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
- Show the librarians your silly walk.
- Play a game inside.
- Play a game outside.
- Go to a live sports event (parks and rec events count!).
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own activity that features fun and games.
Love Your Library
- Convince a friend or family member to do the Summer Library Challenge with you.
- Follow the library on social media, tag the library on social media, or sign up for the library email newsletter.
- Tell the librarians a joke.
- Take or leave a book at a Little Free Library.
- Show some book love: leave a note in a book for the next reader.
- Read or listen to a book from a display at the library.
- Read or listen to a book in a format or genre that you don’t usually read.
- Read or listen to a book and discuss it with someone else.
- Send a postcard to the library.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own library related activity.
Love the Earth
- Read or listen to a book with an animal protagonist.
- Read or listen to a book outside for an hour.
- Watch a movie or documentary that involves nature.
- Plant something (inside or outside).
- Spend at least 20 hours outside over a 7-day period.
- Walk or bike a trail.
- Cook something outside.
- Do something that helps conserve or improve Earth’s resources.
- Do something kind or helpful for an animal.
- Do some research and identify a plant, animal, or something else you found outside that’s new to you.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own outdoors activity.
Love New Things
- Read or listen to a book by a debut author.
- Read or listen to a book published in the last 12 months.
- Read or listen to a book by a person whose life has been shaped by different factors than your own (race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, class, political viewpoint, etc).
- Read or listen to a book set in the southern hemisphere.
- Pick out a book that you know absolutely nothing about and start the book without reading the cover first.
- Watch a movie that came out in the last 12 months.
- Watch a movie in a language you don’t know.
- Try a food or dish that you’ve never had before.
- Go to a public event that celebrates a group of people whose lives have been shaped by different factors than your own (race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, class, political viewpoint, etc).
- Have a conversation about your different experiences with someone from a different background.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own activity that explores new experiences.
Facts of Love
- Read or listen to a book that involves science.
- Read or listen to a book based on a true story.
- Read or listen to a nonfiction book.
- Watch a scientific documentary.
- Watch a TED Talk about something you don’t know about.
- Do some technology housecleaning! Organize your email, unsubscribe to email lists, unfollow social media accounts that aren’t bringing you joy, clean out your downloads, or sort your saved documents.
- Go completely screen free for an entire day.
- Check out an ebook, audiobook, or magazine from the library using the Libby app.
- Try some kitchen chemistry. Read a cookbook and try a new recipe or technique.
- Participate in a Citizen Science project.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own activity that involves science or technology.
Love Yourself
- Read or listen to a book that makes you feel better physically, mentally, or emotionally.
- Re-watch a favorite movie or show.
- Plan a special activity with a friend or family member.
- Do something you enjoyed in your childhood that you haven’t done for years.
- Dedicate time to a project that you want to do for yourself.
- Ask someone for a recommendation (book, movie, food, place to visit, etc), try it, and share your experience with them.
- Do something to get moving: go for a walk, have a dance party, try a new wellness class, etc.
- Read or listen to a book that addresses mental health.
- Do something for seven days in a row that makes you feel better: hydrate more, try a new sleep routine, journal, meditate, etc.
- Give yourself a compliment.
- Choose your own adventure! Create your own activity that is about taking care of you.